This Halloween, Telepizza delivers ghost pizzas to those ghost friends who have been banging triples all their lives.

The brand challenges people to count their friends' biggest three-pointers and uncover them to win pizzas.


Halloween night is synonymous with pumpkins, fake blood, scares and costumes, lots of costumes. Every year we are surprised with more and more curious and out of the ordinary costumes, although we are sure that some will go back to the classic costumes: witch, vampire, she-devil... And yes, the typical ghost costume. However, we all have that friend who doesn't need the scariest night of the year to dress up as a "ghost" and Telepizza wants to give them a scare on these dates.

This Halloween, the leading pizza brand in Spain has set out to unmask all those friends we love with all our hearts, but who shoot more three-pointers than Stephen Curry in a basketball game: the house on the beach that is never available, the latest model car that is always in the shop or the new flirt who never shows up when you meet for a drink... Now, it's time to bring their buried truths to light.

Thus, Telepizza encourages all its customers to uncover that "ghost" friend by telling him what they have always wanted, but have never dared. And is that, on the occasion of this date so marked, the brand has launched a challenge: what is the strongest triple that has been thrown your ghost friend? From today, anyone can send to @Telepizza_es on social networks, that message you want to send to your colleague, neighbor or cousin, to receive that ghost pizza that will make you get the colors. The protagonists of the strongest stories will receive at home a ghost pizza with no ingredients other than the pure truth: the message that their friends have left them, tired of so many triples. Although to compensate for this "scare", the brand will also give the best stories its new promotion: the Telepizza Triple, three pizzas that will make them enjoy the moment even more and leave everything in a funny scare.

Telepizza launches this action following the communication line of 'Viva la Masa', the platform that the brand launched earlier this year and that returns to the origin and true meaning of the historical claim: 'The secret is in the dough'. Since 1987, it has been the people who have shared Telepizza's "secret" from generation to generation. Thanks to the word of mouth of consumers, Telepizza is today a brand known to all.

To support this initiative, Telepizza launches from this Friday October 26th the promotion El Triple: barbecues, carbonara... the three medium pizzas of your choice, at €8.95 each and home delivery. A way to enjoy your favorite pizzas at the best price at a time when the important thing is to get together with your friends (even if they are ghosts) and celebrate Halloween properly.